Our story begins in 1960 with Theodore Agalidis establishing the concept and the main body, the core of the nowadays company. The enterprise was dealing with Chemicals, Hard Wood and Specialty Papers.
Theodore Agalidis, was not only the company’s founder but also the first to introduce to Greek Wood Industry, Veneer Faced Chipboard, an innovation that since then changed the way in which, carpenters and furniture industries perceived raw materials.
In 1988, under the guidance of her father and Agalides Materials founder, Irene Agalides managed to proceed to an evolution and started dealing in edges and impregnated foils. The first strong connections abroad were already done.
These products, which carried AGALIDES trademark, were based to the main concept that lies behind our materials even until today. No one could doubt the quality and endurance that are linked through the years to our goods.
Today, Agalides Materials delivers over 200 edge-banding designs, balancing foils, primer foils and finish foils in Greece (for big industrial companies well known on the field) and exports standard and custom made products all over the world.
AGALIDES MATERIALS is committed to continuing grow and expand this success story by working closely with customers and suppliers. We are a company whose name and reputation for quality and variety are trusted on an everyday base by many consumers all over the world.